Centro de Estudios en Salud y Medio Ambiente (CESyMA)


Investigadores/as responsables:

Laboratorio de Inmunología, Vacunas y Alergia:





Alejandra Goldman agoldman@unsam.edu.ar






Laboratorio de Biotoxicología Ambiental:






Deborah R. Tasat  dtasat@unsam.edu.ar







Laboratorio de Neurología y Citogenética Molecular:





Martín Radrizzani mradrizzani@unsam.edu.ar







Web UNSAM: www.unsam.edu.ar/escuelas/ecyt/centros/cesyma.php


La creación del CESyMA obedeció a la intención de generar un centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en el área de salud y medio ambiente dedicado a generar proyectos de investigación básica y al mismo tiempo con la capacidad y el compromiso de llevar adelante proyectos piloto de transferencia. Nuestro Centro está dedicado a la investigación científica en fisiología, biología molecular y celular, neurobiología, citogenética e inmunología.
El CESyMA pretende tener una fuerte presencia en el ámbito de producción de insumos para uso en medicina, humana y animal. Se desarrollan también actividades de servicios a entidades privadas y estatales, vinculadas a la generación de kits diagnósticos.
Asimismo, los investigadores del CESyMA son docentes del Área de Biología de la Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología y dictan asignaturas de la carrera de Licenciatura en Biotecnología, Física Médica, Ingeniería Ambiental, Análisis Ambiental, Ingeniería Biomédica y las Tecnicaturas en Diagnóstico por Imágenes y en Electromedicina de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM).


Publicaciones Seleccionadas:

"Exposure to airborne particulate matter and undernutrition in young rats: An in-depth histopathological and biochemical study on lung and excretory organs" I. Masci, C. Bozal, C. Lezón,
M. Martin, F. Brites, J. Bonetto, L. Alvarez, M. Kurtz, D. Tasat. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 197, (2025), 115246.

"Molecular mechanisms underlying NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β production in air pollution fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-primed macrophages" Cáceres L, Abogunloko T, Malchow S, Ehret F, Merz J, Li X, Sol Mitre L, Magnani N, Tasat D, et al. Environ Pollution, 341, (2023), 122997. 

"Respuesta local y sistémica a la contaminación ambiental aérea en los niveles molecular y funcional: la desnutrición crónica como factor de riesgo" Kurtz M, Lezón C, Masci I; Bonetto, J, Maglione G, Boyer P, Álvarez L, Tasat D. Bioquímica y Patología Clínica, 88, (2024), 39-50.

"Chronic exposure to TiO2 micro- and nano particles: a biochemical and histopathological experimental study" Domingo MG, Kurtz ML, Maglione GA, Martin M, Brites F, Tasat DR Olmedo DG. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater., 112, (2024), e35443.

"Decreased Immune Response in Undernourished Rats after Air Particulate Matter Exposure" 4-Kurtz ML, Orona NS, Lezón C, Defosse VC, Astort F, Maglione G A, Boyer PM, Tasat DR. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 107, (2024), 104400.

"Air pollution induces morpho-functional, biochemical and biomechanical vascular dysfunction in undernourished rats" Kurtz M, Lezón C, Masci I , Boyer P, Brites F, Bonetto J,Bozal C, Álvarez L, Tasat DR. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 190, (2024), 114777.

"Particle Size and Morphological Evaluation of Airborne Urban Dust Particles by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Bidimensional Empirical Mode Analysis" M. Morvidone, I. Masci, D. Rubio, M. Kurtz, D. Tasat, R. Piotrkowski. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT, 20, (2024).

"Vaccine Potential Of Antigen Cocktails Composed Of Recombinant Toxoplasma Gondii Tgpi-1, Rop2 And Gra4 Proteins Against Chronic Toxoplasmosis In C3h Mice" M.S. Picchio, V.R. Sánchez, N. Arcon, A.S. Soto, M. Perrone Sibilia, M.A. Aldirico, M. Urrutia, R. Moretta, I.M. Fenoy, A. Goldman, V. Martin. Experimental Parasitology, 185, (2018), 62 - 70.

"Genotyping Of Toxoplasma Gondii: The Advantages Of Variable Number Tandem Repeats Within Coding Regions" R. Moretta, V. Sanchez, I.M. Fenoy, A. Goldman, P. Ruybal, V. Martin. Infection, Genetics And Evolution, 65, (2018), 226 - 230.

"Oxidative Stress Response To Air Particle Pollution In A Rat Nutritional Growth Retardation Model" M.L. Kurtz, F. Astort, C.E. Lezón, S. Ferraro, G.A. Maglione, N.S. Orona, S.M. Friedman, P.M. Boyer, D.R. Tasat. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-part A-current Issues, 81, (2018), 1028 - 1040.

"Evaluation of metabolic reactivity in macrophages from mice with chronic sodium arsenite intake and experimental carcinogenesis" M.A. Palmieri, D.R. Tasat, B.L. Molinari. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand), 64, (2018), 34-39.

"Volcanic ash from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex and Calbuco promote a differential response of pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress mediators on human conjunctival epithelial cells" A.I. Tesone, R.M. Lasagni Vitar, J. Tau, G.A. Maglione, S. Llesuy, D.R. Tasat, A. Berra. Environmental Research, 167, (2018), 87-97.

"Titanium Nanoparticle Size Influences Trace Concentration Levels in Skin Appendages". D.R. Tasat, M.G. Domingo, M.E. Bruno, M.B. Guglielmotti, D.G. Olmedo. Toxicologic Pathology, 45, (2017), 624 - 632.

Toxoplasma Gondii Serine-protease Inhibitor-1: A New Adjuvant Candidate For Asthma Therapy” A. Soto, I.M. Fenoy, V. Sanchez, F. March, M. Perrone, M. Aldirico, M.S. Picchio, N. Arcón, P. Acosta, F. Polack, V. Martiv, A. Goldman. Plos One, 12, (2017), 1 - 17.

“Arrhythmogenic Effect Of Androgens On The Rat Heart” M. Argenziano, G. Tiscornia, R. Moretta, L. Casal, M. Potilinski, C. Amorena, E. García-Gras. Journal Of Physiological Sciences, 67, (2017), 217 - 225.

“Efecto de la Inhalación de las Partículas Aéreas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Alteraciones Histomorfológicas, Metabólicas y Bioquímicas a Nivel Pulmonar y Extra Pulmonar en Ratones Jóvenes y Adultos Mayores”. N.S. Orona, F. Astort, S.A. Ferraro, G.A. Maglione, M. Kurtz, E.G. Agosta, P.M. Mandalunis, C. Morales, D.R. Tasat. Bioquímica y Patología Clínica, (2017).

“Active caspase-3 expression levels as bioindicator of individual radiosensitivity”. N.F.G.D. Santos, R.E. Silva, M.M.P.L. Pinto, E.B.D. Silva, D.R. Tasat, A. Amaral. An Acad Bras Cienc, 89, (2017), 649-659.

“Biokinetics and tissue response to ultrananocrystalline diamond nanoparticles employed as coating for biomedical devices” D.R. Tasat, M.E. Bruno, M. Domingo, P. Gurman, O. Auciello, M.L. Paparella, P. Evelson, M.B. Guglielmotti, D.G. Olmedo. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 105, (2017), 2408 - 2415.

“CREB3L1-mediated functional and structural adaptation of the secretory pathway in hormone-stimulated thyroid cells”. I.A. García, V.T. Demichelis, D.L. Viale, P. Di Giusto, Y. Ezhova, R.S. Polishchuk, L. Sampieri, H. Martinez, E. Sztul, C. Alvarez. Journal of Cell Science, 130, (2017), 4155 - 4167.

“The Known Unknowns: Exploring The Homologous Recombination Repair Pathway In Toxoplasma Gondii” I. Fenoy, S.S. Bogado, S.M. Contreras, V. Gottifredi, A.O. Sergio.Frontiers In Microbiology, 7, (2016), 1 - 15.

“Possible Senescence Associated Change In The Predominant A-Na+/K+ Atp-ase Isoform In The Renal Cortex Of The Rat” M. Potilinski, R. Moretta, L. Casal, E. García-Gras, C. Amorena. Medicina (Buenos Aires), 76, (2016), 204 - 207.

“Blood Glucose Regulation In Diabetics. A Flatness Based Nonlinear Control Simulation Study” G. Cocha, M. Podesta, A. Mazzadi, C. Amorena, C. D´attellis. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 705, (2016), 1 - 6.

“Acute Exposure To Buenos Aires Air Particles (Uap-ba) Induces Local And Systemic Inflammatory Response In Middle-aged Mice: A Time Course Study” S.O. Nadia, S.A. Ferraro, F. Astort, C. Morales, F. Brites, L. Boero, G. Tiscornia, G.A. Maglione, P.H.N. Saldiva, S. Yakisich, D.R. Tasat. Environmental Pollution, 208, (2016), 261 - 270.

“Particulate Matter Cytotoxicity In Cultured Sh-sy5y Cells Is Modulated By Simvastatin: Toxicological Assessment For Oxidative Damage” S.A. Ferraro, F. Astort, J.S. Yakisich, D.R. Tasat. Neurotoxicology, 53, (2016), 108 - 114.

“Role Of Creb On Heme Oxygenase-1 Induction In Adrenal Cells: Involvement Of The Pi3k Pathway” F. Astort, E.M. Repetto, L. Rocha-viegas, M.E. Mercau, S.S. Puch, C.V. Finkielstein, A. Pecci, C.B. Cymeryng. Journal Of Molecular Endocrinology, 57, (2016), 113 - 124.

“In Vitro and In Vivo Development of Horse Cloned Embryos Generated with iPSCs, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Fetal or Adult Fibroblasts as Nuclear Donors” R. Olivera Ramiro, L.N. Moro, R. Jordan, C. Luzzani, S. Miriuka, M. Radrizzani, F.X. Donadeu, G. Vichera. PLOS ONE, 11, (2016), 1 - 14.

“Improvement Of Bovine Semen Quality By Removal Of Membrane-damaged Sperm Cells With Dna Aptamers And Magnetic Nanoparticles” V.L. Farini, C. Camaño, G. Ybarra, D.L. Viale, G. Vichera, J.S. Yakisich, M. Radrizzani. Journal Of Biotechnology, 229, (2016), 33 - 41.

“Dystonia in a Patient with Autosomal- Dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia Type 1 Caused by Mutation in the POLG Gene” M. Rossi, A.M. Escobar, M. Radrizzani, S. Tenembaum, C. Perandones, M. Merello. Movement Disorders, 4, (2016), 266–269. 

“Regulatory Cells Induced By Acute Toxoplasmosis Prevent The Development Of Allergic Lung Inflammation” I. Fenoy, V. Sanchez, A. Soto, M. Picchio, M.G Corigliano, G.I.Dran, V. Martin, A. Goldman. Immunobiology, 220, (2015), 641 - 648.

Toxoplasma Gondii Infection Modulate Systemic Allergic Immune Response In Balb/C Mice” I. Fenoy, V. Sanchez, A. Soto, M. Picchio, V. Martin, A. Goldman. Experimental Parasitology, 154, (2015), 47 - 50.

“Homologous Prime-boost Strategy With Tgpi-1 Improves The Immune Response And Protects Highly Susceptible Mice Against Chronic Toxoplasma Gondii Infection” V.R. Sánchez, I.M. Fenoy, M.S. Picchio, A.S. Soto, N. Arcon, A. Goldman, V. Martin. Acta Tropica, 150, (2015), 159 - 165.

“Air Particulate Matter Exacerbates Lung Response On Sjogren's Syndrome Animals” S.A. Ferraro Sa, N.S. Orona, L. Villalon, P.H.N. Saldiva, D.R. Tasat, A. Berra. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 67, (2015), 125 - 131.

“In vivo short-term exposure to residual oil fly ash impairs pulmonary innate immune response against environmental mycobacterium infection” V.C. Delfosse, D.R. Tasat, A.K. Gioffré. Environmental Toxicology, 30, (2015), 589 - 596.

“In vitro age dependent response of macrophages to micro and nano titanium dioxide particles” M.E. Bruno, M. Sittner, R.L. Cabrini, M.B. Guglielmotti, D.G. Olmedo, D.R. Tasat. J Biomed Mater Res A., 103, (2015), 471 - 478.

“Successful GPi stimulation in genetic Parkinson's disease caused by mosaicism of alpha-synuclein gene duplication: first description” C. Perandones, N. Aráoz Olivos, G.B. Raina, L. Pellene, J.C. Giugni, D.S. Calvo, M. Radrizzani, F. Piedimonte F, F.E. Micheli. Journal of Neurology, 262, (2015), 222 - 223.

“Parkinson’s Disease in a Patient with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: The Relevance of Detecting Mosaicisms by Means of Cell-By-Cell Evaluation Techniques” C. Perandones, V.L. Farini Verónica, L.A. Pellene, M. Sáenz Farret, S.M. Cuevas, E. Micheli Federico, M. Radrizzani. Single-Cell Biology, 4, (2015), 123 - 126.

“Hypothesis: Somatic Mosaicism and Parkinson Disease” C. Perandones, L.A. Pellene, J.C. Giugni, D.S. Calvo, G.B. Raina, S.M. Cuevas, I.F. Mata, C.P. Zebetian, M. Caputo, D. Corach D, F.E. Micheli, M. Radrizzani. Experimental Neurobiology, 24, (2015), 173 - 175.

“Aptamers: current challenges and future prospects. Guido Tomás Rozenblum” G.L. Vanina, A.D. Vitullo, M. Radrizzani. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 11, (2015), 127 - 135.