Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Informática (CIDI)


Investigadores responsables:




María Claudia Abeledo




e-mail: mabeledo@unsam.edu.ar




Javier Guevara




e-mail: jguevara@unsam.edu.ar


Web UNSAM: www.unsam.edu.ar/cidi/



La misión del centro de investigación y desarrollo en informática (CIDI) se traduce en:

  • Realizar investigaciones y desarrollo de tecnología vinculados a la Ciencia de la Informática y a la Ciencia de la Computación.
  • Colaborar en actividades académicas de la Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología (ECyT), en coordinación con las áreas de Programación y Redes para promover las carreras asociadas.
  • Coordinar la asociación con instituciones de Ciencia y Tecnología, instituciones hospitalarias, y organismos públicos (nacionales e internacionales), Universidades nacionales y extranjeras, relevantes para el desarrollo del proyecto integral.
  • Coordinar e impulsar la presentación a subsidios ante organismos nacionales e internacionales en las temáticas de incumbencia

Bajo este propósito, el centro de investigación y desarrollo en informática (CIDI) se propone:

  • Organizar reuniones, seminarios y Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales en temas afines con la participación de especialistas, académicos y científicos.
  • Formar recursos humanos con alta especialización (doctorandos y maestrandos) en Ciencia y Tecnología.
Publicaciones Seleccionadas:

"Proposal of blended learning for advanced students using a specifically designed web product" M.R. Hencek, P.M. Calvo, J.J. López, J.C. Capia. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 5.

"Integrating IEEE 802.11 technology and Wireless sensor networks using PORME routing protocol" M.C. Abeledo, F. Bruschetti, J. Guevara, J. González, M. Marsicano, D. Priano, P. Iriso and L. Marrone. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 9.

"Hot addition of new Member Nodes to Wireless Sensor Networks using PORME routing protocol without restarting the Cluster Head" J. González, F.S. Bruschetti, D. Priano, A. Lacapmesure, D. Zanuttini, M. Marsicano and P. Iriso. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018).

"First approach to image stacking using a Single-Board Computer - A small study of the strengths, the opportunities, the weaknesses and the threats" M.A. Gonzalez Perna, J.A. Karp, P. Iriso, N. Nohely Gonzalez, D. Salamida and J. Guevara. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 5.

"Analysis of implementing blockchain technology to the argentinian criminal records information system" E. Abete, M. Colombo, J. Guevara, M.C. Abeledo, B. Menchon Hoffmann and A. Dini. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 3.

"Detection and analysis of vulnerabilities in convergent network platforms" F. Carino, H.R. Del Giorgio, M.C. Abeledo, P. Bullián, J. González and M. Hencek. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 5.

"Using Software-Defined Networking for Call Admission Control and VoIP applications" D. Zanuttini, J. Gonzalez, N. Pucci, C. Andres, A. Lacapmesure, P. Bullian and D. Priano. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 5.

"Principles of design, something of history and trends, in Architectures and Operating Systems I (Operating Systems)" R. Bevilacqua, G. Pataro and G. Aguilera. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 5.

"Principles of design, something of history and trends, in Architectures and Operating Systems II (History)" R. Bevilacqua, G. Pataro and G. Aguilera. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 9.

"Principles of design, something of history and trends, in Architectures and Operating Systems III (Trends)" R Bevilacqua, G Pataro and G Aguilera. IEEE CACIDI 2018 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2018), 1 - 7.

"A brief history of the evolution of HPC at a research institution in Argentina" R. Bevilacqua. IEEE CACIDI 2016 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2016), 1 -4.

"Detection sensors applied to orthopedic devices for elderly" M. Monge, M. Cáceres D’Amore, J. Muse, N. Jeremías, E. Iriso, J. Gonzalez, D. Zanuttini. IEEE CACIDI 2016 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2016), 1 - 6.

"Application of wireless technology to determine optimum maturity in strains of Malbec vineyards for Argentine wine sectors" M.C. Abeledo, F. Bruschetti, D.A. Priano, D. Calbosa, R. Crubellier, P. Iriso, E. Abete. IEEE CACIDI 2016 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2016), 1 -7.

"Remote monitoring of elderly or partially disabled people living in their homes through the measurement of environmental variables" M.C. Abeledo, F. Bruschetti, G. Aguilera, P. Iriso, M. Marsicano, A. Lacapmesure. IEEE CACIDI 2016 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2016), 1 - 5.

"Syntactic analysis on programming languages: A simple approach employing automata theory" M.E. Aprea, M.F. Mastroianni. IEEE CACIDI 2016 – IEEE Conference on Computer Sciences, (2016), 1 - 6.

"Issues and disadvantages that prevent the native implementation of Single Sign On using Kerberos on Linux based systems" M. Colombo, N. Valeije, L. Segura. 2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), (2015), 885 - 889.

"Implementation of a software application for comprehensive monitoring of children and young patients under closed regimes in Argentina (SISP)" M.C. Abeledo, F. Bruschetti, D. Priano, R. Bevilacqua, G. Aguilera, P. Iriso, D. Martínez, E. Abete, A. Lacapmesure, N. Morales Calcagno, G. Altobelli. 2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), (2015), 179 - 184.